Monday, November 17, 2014

My Visual Poem

Hello,this year we did poem I did it on Kauai bowling alley I think you will really like it because one of the effects was a wanted sign which was going to be there butt didn't loud right and I think that would have a big difference because a cool effect its called Ken Burns effect.


  1. I liked your music
    It got cut off at the end and we sar your adiuo
    I liked your topic

  2. It was short and sweet
    Dat ending...
    The music fits the topic?

  3. I like the jazz, Gives almost a 90's or something feel.
    The room is visible at the end
    Nice voice over and great writing on the poem

  4. I liked the shots of people bowling
    The music is too loud
    I like how you rhymed the words

  5. cool Music in the background
    some b-roll are blury
    Creative b-roll

  6. 1. Like your shots, the turkey is cool
    2. Cover up your a-roll with b-roll
    3. Like the background music

  7. I liked the music you used because it matches with the topic
    At the end we see the tech room
    I liked the tone of voice you sounded excited to bowl

  8. Nice rhymes
    It ends weird
    Nice music

  9. I like your turkey B-roll
    you could have done better on the end B-roll it showed where you recorded the B-roll
    I like your bowling shots

  10. I like the music
    Some shots were blurry
    I like how you name, "You get a three hundred to claim the game" and "Three strikes is a turkey".

  11. I really like the background music that you chose
    Maybe fix the last part of your video
    I really like the different rhymes that you came up with

  12. Good shot of entering the bowling alley.
    You could see at the ending with the room were you practiced saying the poem.
    Good job on music.

  13. I liked your topic its something I also enjoy to do
    You need to add more interesting b-roll the shots you took weren't that interesting and creative
    I liked the background music you added

  14. I like how you rhymed.
    At the last part you get cut off.
    I liked your music.

  15. I like the background music. Really good Jazz!
    It was a little bit short, and the Jazz was too loud.
    I like how you showed a Turkey when you said it. How did you get that?!?!?

  16. I like the music.
    You need pad in your audio.
    I like your video clips of people bowling.

  17. I like the music
    at the end there was a clip that wasn't part of you poem
    your poem was well written

  18. I like how you showed what you were talking about
    Your poem just ended without warning
    I also liked how you made it rhyme

  19. It was really well written
    There could have been more quality like for example the camera like you getting ready to bowl
    And the back round music was good

  20. I love your topic choice
    I couldn't hear you over the music and you have some uncommon B-roll
    I love the shot of the turkey up on the board

  21. I like the jazz music in the background.
    You can see the voice over room in the background.
    I like your topic, you are the only one that chose bowling.

  22. I liked that you had the different bowlers
    One thing that could be improved is that there were some random shots that didnt make sense like there was one shot of the ground and at the end a shot of an empty studio room.
    I liked the pan at the beginning

  23. Nice b-roll, not only one thing
    The a-roll was shown
    I like the music

  24. your music is really catchy
    the music distracted from your voice overs
    I could tell that you practiced your poem

  25. I like the background music
    At the end you could only see the a-roll
    You read the poem pretty well

  26. Love the shot of the bowling alley sign
    I could see the ground and room
    Loved many shots of bowling alley

  27. I liked the shot of the bowling ball going down the lane!
    Some shots didn't make sense.
    Nice rhyme scheme!

  28. Some shots matched well with your b-roll
    Your music was really loud and overwhelmed your audio
    Your topic was really creative and cool

  29. The plot was very cool, I personally love to go bowling so I connected to it.
    The music was quite loud and also some of the voice overs had improper grammar.
    Great B-Roll, it constantly was relative to the voice overs!
